After a grueling 2 hours at the DMV I decided to reward myself with a hair goodie from Target. I just got home from a weekend in Ukiah and it was freezing! The cold air tore up my hair and I believed that it was time for a miracle. The mask was $10.99 for 7.5 ounces.
Here is the claim on the jar:
"Hollywood Beauty's Hydrating hair mask enriched with Argan oil from Morocco is ideal for hair that is dehydrated, severely damaged and/or chemically treated. This restorative mask improves hair's health by deeply penetrating the cuticle for intense repair and conditioning."
The Results:
Shiny, soft, and hella smooth.lol.
This one is a keeper! It is very thick and creamy and does the job in a pinch. Usually I DC for an hour, but I was rushed for time and only left it on for ten minutes. I was scared to rinse because I thought that the mask wouldn't do anything in ten minutes, but to my suprise, my hair felt like I had left the mask on for 45 min! Cherry on top: It only has no petroleum or mineral oil!
Verdict: Buy it as fast as you can before everyone else does! This is kind of a "under the radar" product, as it just came out a few months ago. I will be returning to Target to buy up the rest of these jars when I get paid.
Happy Monday!